Children need to be in an environment where they can openly and comfortably, without consequences, share their concerns.
Adults and professionals must share concerns, communicate effectively, document clearly and work collaboratively to promote a safe environment for children.
- Tell someone you trust immediately, ideally your parent, a teacher or an adult friend. Keep them up to date.
- Keep a record of specific details of bullying. Date, time, place, the people present and what happened before the incident, during the incident and afterwards. Include which teachers were present, what was said and what was done. Try to be factual rather than emotional on this record. Your emotions are very important, but keep it recorded separately. If there are any physical lesions on children, such as bruises, the child should be taken to the GP to formally document evidence and to assess the child's physical health. GPs are often very helpful in supporting parents and schools in difficult circumstances.
- Don't retaliate or give the bully the satisfaction of seeing that it bothers you.
- Behave calm and confidently or walk away.
- Discuss a strategy with an adult that you trust and have an action plan to deal with difficult situations.
- Parents should check the school's anti-bullying policy and schools need to take responsibility.
- Parents should put their concern to the schools in writing. Parents should ask the school what their management plan to prevent further bullying will include and should work with school to ensure that the behaviour is discontinued.
- Parents should liaise with their GP if they have ongoing concerns.
Bullying should never be accepted.